

              Una Health’s                                   Bedside Manner

                              Spend less time chasing compliance 
                              and more time helping patients. 


- Jan 2024 to May 2024     


- Product Designer Consultant
- Synthesis and Ideation Lead


- Case study for both medical professionals 
  and admin-facing clients
- High fidelity protoypes of new assessment 
- Rename and redesign the current assessment logo

Project Overview
Una Health is a suite of comprehensive mobile-first solutions for hospital networks, staffing agencies, and healthcare professionals. One major initiative the company had was to simplify the onboarding process for medical professionals with the creation of their Bedside Manner Assessment (BSM).

At the time of our project, Una’s BSM platform was in its infancy and essentially a blank canvas for my team and I at Berkeley Innovation to work on. Since Una Health had previously conducted research on the applicant side, they recruited us to help them collect information for hiring-facing clients. Additionally, Una requested assistance in creating user interfaces to be utilized by both professionals taking the BSM, and the hiring managers reviewing their applicants’ scores.

Thus, we began by asking..

How might we create a trusted behavioral assessment platform 
that evaluates “best fit” for medical professional employment?

There’s no i in team.
Una Health is in the process of launching UNA Team, a behavioral assessment that help identify key skills/traits for success towards individual roles as well as core organization values.

By implementing this new behavioral exam, healthcare organizations can ensure that hired professionals fit into their roles just right, thereby enhancing patient interactions and overall satisfaction.

At Una Health, “behavior is the key to unlocking stickiness and stability for enhanced staff success”.

Approaching Our Audience

How do we gather insight from healthcare managers as a student?

As previously mentioned, Una Health only had data on healthcare employees, such as registered nurses, and their opinions on the BSM tool. To present a more comprehensive view in our case study, we needed to gather insights from administrative users as well. Despite being students with limited direct experience in healthcare, our outreach efforts were extensive. We were able to interview professionals from a variety of fields and with different levels of experience.

                                Interview Goals:
Goal #1: Learn the current experience with the healthcare hiring process in relation to patient care. 

    What parts of the hiring process do interviewees 
         struggle with or dislike? 

    What issues could the BSM results address?

Goal #2: Gain insights into healthcare professionals’ opinion of the BSM both on a conceptual and practical level.

Goal #3: Gain validation which can be integrated into a case study demonstrating the utility and appeal of the BSM for the hiring process.

Meet Our Healthcare Admins

Questions That Drove Conversation

Regarding HCAHPS*, how has your clinic/practice’s experience with the survey been? What insights do you value most from it?

How does your clinic/practice work to improve its HCAHPS score every year? Whose responsibility does it rely on, admin or the employees?

In the current hiring process, how do you determine/judge whether an applicant would have effective bedside manner?

Have you ever taken a behavioral personality test? If so, do you think these tools are appropriate to use in a healthcare hiring setting?

                  Gathering Insights:

Following the completion of our interviews, we gathered key insights to drive the ideation phase of our project. These findings were instrumental in shaping both our case study and in determining priorities for the development of BSM platform prototypes:

  • Bedside manner is regarded as a critical hiring criterion.
  • The current hiring process is highly rigorous, involving multiple rounds of interviews.
  • HCAHPS scores significantly impact hospital funding, making them a crucial factor.
  • HCAHPS may not accurately reflect the quality of patient care due to potential bias in responses.

*HCAHPS: the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey is a tool that measures patient satisfaction. It's used to assess the level and quality of care patients receive in hospitals across the country.

Crafting Our Case Study

How do we demonstrate the necessity of the BSM tool from an admin perspective?

The term “bedside manner” is an important aspect in a medical professional’s everyday work. The ultimate goal of any encounter is to promote trust and healing. How healthcare workers approach patients can directly affect the overall experience for patients and their own willingness to learn. With good bedside manner characteristics, providers are ultimately able to improve communication and reduce errors.

That is why UNA Health has strived to bridge a gap during the hiring process to ensure that every medical facility is hiring not only the most capable, but also the most personable individuals. UNA Health predicts a direct correlation to employees who score highly on behavior exams and their overall performance on their jobs. Using that as leverage during the hiring process could benefit hiring administrators by providing another way of verifying the credibility of their potential employees. 

The insights collected/used throughout our case study was also used to drive our design decisions for Una Health’s beta assessment platform!

Case Study Overview

⚠️ Due to privacy restrictions, please reach out for a more in-depth walkthrough of our case study!

Prototyping The Process
Exploring uncovered grounds and cultivating a empathetic, effective behavioral platform




Design Decisions and Platform Playground

The doctor will see you now... we proudly present the future of Una Team!

Behavioral Assessment Platform

Taking the insights from our preliminary research and interview groups, we created a high fidelity prototype of what the PEM platform would look like for both administrators and heathcare employees. 

Some factors that drove our design decisions was organization for hiring managers, the score-to-hiring ratio, and general user flow — all factors made to make the hiring process as efficient as possible.

A feature we focused on was the applicant score panel where admins can have a general overview of potential employees. From the dashboard they have easy acess to the holistic score of applicants among other miscellaneous logistics. 

Logo Rename and Redesign

In order to seamlessly integrate the BSM tool with the rest of Una Health’s product suite, the team and I incorporated Una’s branding into the new logo for easy identification and overall cohesiveness. 

We also found the original CNECT name to be too long and disconnected from the rest of their products so relabeling the platform as PEM (Provider Engagement Measure) made it more relevant to its purpose.

As someone who does not have immense knowledge on the healthcare industry, it was a great opportunity to see the intersection of technology and health services. I enjoyed looking at design in a different perspective and catering our final deliverables to be centered around healthcare workers that deserve the best resources in order to make their jobs more efficient.

The uncharted territory allowed me to grow both in design, but also in empathy. Speaking to medical professionals made me realize how much care and deliberation goes into hiring employees in order to deliver the best service for patients, driving my own determination to create helpful services for them. 

Thank you to Ron and Leslie at Una Health for their time and input throughout the project. They wove together amazing, true testamonies for the assessment we were working on to show the significance of this tool in the healthcare space.

Lastly, a huge thank you to my team members: Caleb, Josh, Mikaela, and Jaz!

pov: our ballin’ team bowling

thanks for stopping by 

© 2024 Amelie Tran